Frank Boglev
B.Acc, CPA
CEO, Secretary, Treasurer
Non-Independent Director
- Founder of Royalty Streams Corp., and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Royalty Gold Corp., Royalty Music Corp., Royalty Green Corp., and Royalty Franchise Corp.
- Previous work experience includes Assistant Controller role at AIG Capital Partners Private Equity division, as well as providing Audit services at Deloitte, working predominantly on PE Clients
- CEO of Nationwide Film Corp., along with its wholly owned subsidiaries which are privately held green energy companies
- Holds a B. Acc from Walsh College and is a Certified Public Accountant
Tim Gallagher
Strategic Advisor
Independent Director
After the successful creation and exit of a gold royalty company, Tim was researching other types of long term "royalty cash flows" and discovered that intellectual property rights or copyrights are protected for the Life of the Author plus 70 years. In March
2018, he founded the company and made the first investment in Music Royalties. He is also the Founder, Chairman & CEO of Green Royalties Inc. and the former Chairman & CEO of Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd 2009-2017. He is a former Founder and Director of several TSX Venture Exchange listed CPCs including Biorem Inc, Soltoro Ltd, Schneider Power Inc. and Xtierra Inc. Tim has invested in, financed, managed and assisted in the growth of numerous companies in the royalty, resource, clean tech and technology sectors primarily by taking them public since 1997.